Vagrant cheat sheet


Interacting with Vagrant boxes. The are stored in ~/.vagrant.d/boxes

vagrant box list

lists all boxes

vagrant box add

installs new box


  • local: vagrant box add debian-76

  • remote: vagrant box add ubuntu-64

vagrant box remove

uninstalls box


vagrant box remove coreos-alpha

note: it doesn’t remove box directory

$ tree ~/.vagrant.d/boxes
├── coreos-alpha
│   ├── 459.0.0
│   └── metadata_url
├── coreos-stable
│   ├── 444.5.0
│   │   └── virtualbox
│   │       ├── Vagrantfile
│   │       ├── base_mac.rb
│   │       ├── box.ovf
│   │       ├── change_host_name.rb
│   │       ├── configure_networks.rb
│   │       ├── coreos_production_vagrant_image.vmdk
│   │       └── metadata.json
│   └── metadata_url
├── debian-76-amd64
│   └── 0
│       └── virtualbox
│           ├── Vagrantfile
│           ├── box.ovf
│           ├── metadata.json
│           └── packer-virtualbox-iso-disk1.vmdk
└── hashicorp-VAGRANTSLASH-precise64
    ├── 1.1.0
    │   └── virtualbox
    │       ├── Vagrantfile
    │       ├── box-disk1.vmdk
    │       ├── box.ovf
    │       └── metadata.json
    └── metadata_url

1 directory, 1 file


Interacting with your Vagrant environment inside workspace.

vagrant init

initializes workspace and creates Vagrantfile and .vagrant directory

note: you can use --minimal option

vagrant up

runs Vagrant environment

note: you can use --no-provision option

vagrant status


$ vagrant status
Current machine states:

core-01                   running (virtualbox)
core-02                   running (virtualbox)
core-03                   running (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`

vagrant provision

reruns box configuration, doesn’t recreate box

note: if you have > 1 provisioners you can specify it with provision-with option

vagrant ssh

connects to the machine

vagrant destroy

cleans the workspace, destroy box

note: -f option destroys destroys box without prompt