Groovy: reading and writing to properties file

Thanks to Groovy MOP capabilities we can create flexible and readable code. Last time I created PropertyReader class inspired by MarkupBuilder and XmlSlurper. This class allows to read and write from/to properties files. Data in that file is store in key=value notation.

class PropertyReader {

    String filePath

    PropertyReader(String filePath) {
        this.filePath = filePath

    def propertyMissing(String name) {
        Properties props = new Properties()
        File propsFile = new File(filePath)
        propsFile.withInputStream {
            props.load it

    def methodMissing(String name, args) {
        Properties props = new Properties()
        File propsFile = new File(filePath)

        props.load propsFile.newDataInputStream()
        props.setProperty name, args.toString() - '[' - ']' propsFile.newWriter(), null



Here is the example of file:

name = Pawel Oczadly
page.url =

To read the property just call propertyReader.'yourProperty'. And to update or write new property call propertyReader.'yourPropertyKey'('yourPropertyValue'). Here is the example of usage of PropertyReader class:

def propertyReader = new PropertyReader('c:/')

assert == 'Pawel Oczadly'
assert propertyReader.'page.url' == ''
assert propertyReader.interests == null

propertyReader.interests('football', 'climbing', 'swimming')
assert propertyReader.interests == 'football, climbing, swimming'


After running the above script and refreshing c:/ file it should contain similar content:

#Wed Sep 24 08:21:15 CEST 2014
name=Pawel Oczadly
interests=football, climbing, swimming