Git aliases


It is possible to set up some shortcuts in Git. To do this, let’s edit ~/.gitconfig file and add the following content:

    br = branch
    cl = clone
    ck = checkout
    cm = commit
    df = diff
    lst = log -1 HEAD
    ps = push
    pl = pull
    rmt = remote
    st = status
    m = merge

To test it, we can run:

git lst

Which gives us latest commit. For example:

commit 7f9c78fa23e975cc6c0f58632315b478e58446c1
Author: Pawel Oczadly <>
Date:   Wed Jul 2 14:55:50 2014 +0200

    migration from Maruku

Dropbox sync

If you use Dropbox, you can synchronize these settings on many machines. To do this run the following commands.

In the first machine:

mkdir ~/Dropbox/Git
mv .gitconfig ~/Dropbox/Git/.gitconfig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Git/.gitconfig

In the next machine:

rm ~/.gitconfig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Git/.gitconfig